Gadget: marker


If you wanna find my on tour during my loesure time, catch me at Starbucks and the nearest pen/art supply store. I will be browsing for hours checking every marker and pen with a decent tip for outlines and tags and of course the AUTOGRAPHS! Where I get to bomb paper, hats, shirts, black books, beat street album covers and books! ;) wigs is always ready with some new kind of chisel point marker to rock a fresh tag =\ and I found me a new one recently that I never new existed. Had to buy like ten! Lol but this joint rocks, pretty clean for the price, excellent for all surfaces (although not a permanent as I would like) it does the job. And between rocking NEW YORK STYLE, or messing with CALLIGRAFFITI, you can create some fresh hand styles :)
edding 1455 Calligraphy Marker - Black - 1 Pen - Flexible Calligraphy Tip 1-5 mm - Fibre Tip for Paper, Wood, Canvas

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